Our first two spots didn't pan out very well so I did what I do best. Execute an Amphibious Assault in search of the elusive Big Fat Fatty!
Not just any fish can be a Big Fat Fatty without meeting certain requirements. First and foremost it must be a female and this is the really important part...have a lot of junk in the trunk!
And if she happens to take a big ol' dump on your carpet while taking her photo, you've got a winner!
Once the Big Fat Fatties location was determined Shawn commenced to whacking that ass and the photos below tell the rest of the story.
Big fish weighed in at 9.4lbs
Florida Bass Adventures Orlando Bass Fishing Guide
Once the Big Fat Fatties location was determined Shawn commenced to whacking that ass and the photos below tell the rest of the story.
Big fish weighed in at 9.4lbs
Florida Bass Adventures Orlando Bass Fishing Guide